How to Use your Free Weight Loss Journal

Your Free printable food journal for weight loss pdf will be a available as a zip file which you can open / extract in your file explorer.

The file contains;

7 daily tracker pages each with inspirational quote to keep you motivated.

              Each day you will keep track of all your food and drink calories. You can find calories for each food by doing an internet search. OR use a calorie calculator. 

A measurement chart to keep track of your inch loss.

              If you are exercising and putting on muscle your measurement may be a better way of tracking your progress.

A weekly calorie tracker page.

              Add your daily calorie totals here.

A weekly weight loss tracker page.

              See your total weight loss here and think about what worked best.

An exercise tracker page.

               Track what extra exercise or movement you did, it may be running, walking the dog or just a bit of gardening. It all adds up.

And a front cover.

You can assemble these pages in one of the ways shown below.


                   Staple the pages together.                              Use a clipboard.                      Punch holes and use a ring binder.






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What is a Weight Loss Journal

How to Use Your Free Weight Loss Journal

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